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Global Cup Live Trading Contest – TradeHall


Available For: All Clients

Prizes: $6888 More

Exp. Date: 2023/03/31

Satus: Expired

The TradeHall Global Cup is a live contest for the expert and professional trader and a chance to be a $10,000 PAMM Manager. Under the TradeHall live match, there are two trading competitions: the Elite and the Champion Cup.

The Elite contest is for those players who don’t want to deposit in a bulk size but still want to gain the contest experience. Conversely, the Champion Cup is for the confident and risk-taker traders who don’t mind taking challenges by depositing a large sum of money.

On the Elite Cup contest, a trader can join by depositing only USD 100, and if he scores high and gets a trading position within the top 7 competitors, a wonderful gift awaits him. Moreover, you must invest a $500 initial deposit to participate in the Champion Cup competition and distribute the prize money among five competitors.

tradehall live contest

TradeHall Forex Competition – Live Trader

Joining Link: Competition

Contest Schedule –

  • Start – January 01, 2023
  • End –   March 31, 2023
  • Registration – Until the end of the contest
  • Duration – 3 Months

Offer is Applicable: All clients

How to Participate:

  • Register an account IF you don’t have one already.
  • Make a Deposit of 100 USD
  • Take part in the contest

To Win:

  • End with the highest profit in percentage.

Contest’s Prizes:

Elite Cup Contest PrizesChampion Cup Contest Prizes
1st Prize – $688 USD1st Prize – $6888 USD More
2nd Prize – $388 USD2nd Prize – $3888 USD
3rd Prize – $188 USD3rd Prize – $1888 USD
4th Prize – $88 USD4th Prize – $888 USD
5th Prize – $68 USD5th Prize – $688 USD

TradeHall LIVE CONTEST – Terms

  • General terms and conditions apply.
  • Reserves the rights to made changes to the Contest date at any time without prior notice
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